Thursday, October 29, 2009

Canoa at last

We drove in last night after dark and even though the sea breeze and the sound of pounding surf wakened me to the fact that we were finally at the coast, I was really looking forward to seeing the ocean. I woke up and walked out onto the beach to see that this place is exactly what Dustin and O'brien had described, paradise.

After a briefing, we piled into a few trucks and drove the short road to the lower launch. It was blowing on shore (a little from the south) and felt strong on launch. The launch is well manicured but there was some tall bushes that caused for a little mechanical turbulence. Launch was sporty and I ended up getting off in a bit of a turn. Never out of hand but it kept me on my toes before climbing out in smooth lift over launch. I began my flight with a little tour about 2/3rds of the way to the southern turn point with John Hesch before we both pushed out and played around at base for a few turns.

John Hesch

After pushing a little harder on the way back, Davis, John, OB and I had a go at the north cliffs. After a nice glide over the town of Canoa, the cliff band starts and turns N NW into the ocean. The cliffs drop into the sea for a ways until you reach long and remote beach. The clouds started forming right on the coast line and we surfed up into and eventually above the clouds at the northern point of the cliffs. Racing back and taking pictures of my shadow in the clouds below was something I will remember for a lifetime or more.

Davis Straub


I spent the rest of the day making runs up and down the course line with Dustin, Jeff and others trying to figure out altitudes and strategy at the turn points. It was cool flying fast with the boys but you could tell, no one was really going for it yet. There were sections of the ridge that we would go hard one has all their lead in.......or do they? It's a fun game. it will be very interesting when it's on.

Looking back at some of the course line

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